11–17/10 Poets Inger-Mari Aikio and Ville Hytönen featuring at the Nordic Poetry Festival

11–17/10 Poets Inger-Mari Aikio and Ville Hytönen featuring at the Nordic Poetry Festival

A brand new festival is taking place in the UK this October. The Nordic Poetry Festival features over twenty literary and avant-garde poets from Nordic regions. The Festival consists of five events, two in London at Rich Mix and Burley Fisher Books and one respectively in Norwich at the National Centre for Writing, in York at Jorvik Viking Centre and in Writers’ Center at Kingston.

The festival features Finnish poets Inger-Mari Aikio, Ville Hytönen, Tiina Lehikoinen, Ko Ko Thett and Tommi Musturi in addition to contemporary poets from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. The festival is supported by the Finnish Institute in London.

The Nordic Poetry Festival, https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com/nordic, free admission

11 October, Opening of the NPF Exhibition opens at Burley Fisher Books, London
12 October, The Nordic Camarade at Rich Mix, London
14 October, Nordic Norwich Camarade at the National Centre for Writing
15 October, Nordic York Camarade at the JORVIK Viking Centre
17 October, Nordic Poetry at Writers’ Centre Kingston

Image: Nordic Poetry Festival

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