24/7 exhibition at Somerset House looks at the blurring of our public and private lives, work and leisure and pushing the limits of our natural rhythms of sleep and waking. The exhibition consists of five themed zones and contains over 50 multi-disciplinary works.
One of the central pieces is Six Months Without by the Finnish artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö. The piece tells a story of the six months Rönkkö sent without the internet in London 2018–19. The project was supported by the Finnish Institute.
The exhibition also includes work by another Finnish artist Pilvi Takala, known for her works that explore different communities with participatory approach.
24/7, Somerset House, 31/10/2019–23/2/2020. Tickets £14/£11, children under 12 free. Strand, London WC2R 1LA. https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/247
Photo: Leena Vaskin / The Finnish Institute